- Telefon: +4 0724 021 090
- Telefon: +4 0724 338 881
- Luni-Duminica (27/7)
- contact@spitalulsfantulsava.ro
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles. Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients
Experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Our exceptional and experienced staff is dedicated to improving our patients’ dental health and enhancing smiles.
Asistenta medicala
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Spitalul Sfantul Sava ofera servicii de Ingrijiri Paliative, Recuperare Medicala, Kinetoterapie si Fizioterapi,r personal disponibil pentru interventii medicale 24/7, cazare de lux si 3 mese incluse, pentru pacienti adulti de toate varstele, din orice localitate din tara sau din strainatate, si indiferent de stadiul bolii.
Copyright © 2021 Spitalul Sfantul Sava – recuperare medicala, ingrijiri paliative, kinetoterapie, fizioterapie si masaj terapeutic. Toate drepturile rezervate!